Forestry with Water conservation- Series 2
This series deals with the action plan of how we should move so as to improve to safeguard us and to hand over safe future to our next generations:
Challenges :
a. Shortage of water : Surface as well as Ground.
b. Shortage of green cover : Above ground in all the canopies. From grasses to shrubs and to trees as well.
c. Protection / conservation of surface run off during the rains.
a. Shortage of Water : Surface as well as Ground
Why has it occurred ?
There are many reasons for this.
1. Water’s unwanted, uncontrolled over use.
2. Thinking it will last forever why only should I bother.
3. Somebody else responsibility not mine.
4. Unscientific, non sustainable urbanization.
5. Many critical serene water bodies destroyed like a slow poison given to a life without realizing that life is dying. (greed for real estate gains).
6. Water recharge underground channels got disturbed on account of unplanned and unscientific exploitation of land for development activities.
7. Another very important factor adversely effecting water availability is massive removal of green cover which not only lead to enhanced temperature at micro level and with absence of green cover water percolation down the ground became literally minimal. Each tree directly or indirectly acted as a barrier against splash induced soil erosion and its root structure supported water percolation along with moisture conservation along the tree’s catchment. Imagine multiple trees acting together in unison how much quantum can be percolated down impacting favorable ground water recharge.
8. Its not only the quantum of surface or ground water reduced, its the appropriateness of the quality of water too gone beyond acceptable limits resulting in many malaise conditions,with the absence of god gifted natural refining and purifying machines named trees, shrubs and grasses resulted in impure water. Their leaves, stem and root network not only purifies the air outside, it purifies the water down the ground too.
9. I am mainly discussing the affirmative impact of presence of Trees, Shrubs and even grasses currently but without mentioning rain water harvesting through physical means like checking surface water flow to Sea and storing maximum water in water storage water bodies like ponds, lakes and reservoirs. Improving water holding capacity of these by undertaking de silting and even deepening of these water bodies.Siltation of these water bodies happen with more of surface runoff on account of high soil erosion with zero green cover on the ground.
10. We always talk of conservation and scientific usage of water resource, but these actions will not save humanity in the long run. Humanity will surely extinct but with these conservation and minimization of waste awareness and actions, human extinction may be delayed a bit but surely lead to doom.
11. Time has arrived to improve availability and quality of resources like Water, Air and Forests. Rather I should put is as Forests First. If this is done with best of its results quality and quantity of air and as well as of water will improve. But if we start working for all the three together like harvesting water during rains, checking surface run off by greening etc the impact will be holistic and faster then expected.
11. Time has arrived to improve availability and quality of resources like Water, Air and Forests. Rather I should put is as Forests First. If this is done with best of its results quality and quantity of air and as well as of water will improve. But if we start working for all the three together like harvesting water during rains, checking surface run off by greening etc the impact will be holistic and faster then expected.
How these actions will impact : With improving forest cover and proper water harvesting and conservation, gradually moisture regime of the ground dependent on it improves, with improved moisture, ground water gets recharged and greenery in the form of grasses is visible thus restoring the natural cycle and reviving the balance. At micro level it can happen in very short span of about 3-4 years time.
Imagine if this happens at multiple locations, multiple terrains together with people’s participation I am sure we may not face any water / fodder shortage any where rather farmer’s income will improve as they will raise 3 agriculture crops from the same field directly contributing positively the National GDP.
Contd. : how to plan and move forward with priorities-Coming up.